Lake Mohawksin

I’m Constantly covered in bug spray. The mosquitos are just waiting for us to come outside. The wind gets rid of them for a day then there back. 

Coming out after a thunderstorm heading to the lake with the boat.

It’s cool and humid, cloudy and buggy. 20 minutes down the road to a small town now to the city a population of 3,600. We need a boat launch to get our boat on the lake. The swamps around here are not quite deep enough for us to put in.

Lake Mohawksin is known as a good fishing water depth is 9-25 feet.                                                                                                            

We have an old Lund fishing boat nothing spectacular but we love it. Best idea we ever had to get a boat.

We finally got out on our first lake this year. Not including our test drive to make sure all is working well.

We passed under some train trestles to get out on the lake so we decide to fish under the pylons for awhile. A train came by later.

The lake has a lot of islands and you have to be careful of the depth in some areas and watch out for any stumps and logs sticking out of the water.

We moved and eventually stopped in the middle of the lake where it came up to 10 feet. We got a lot of bites in the beginning and then we managed to catch some small mouths bass along with some perch.

There we’re some other boats on the lake but not many. We cranked some music,talked awhile as we swatted flies that were biting.

It’s been 4 hours now. We agree it’s time to go.  We’re burnt, tired and hungry and we have a bit of a drive home. We still need to get off the lake so we put it in gear and go. Leaving a bit of wake that no boat will see because we were out there by ourselves by then.

Lake Mohawksin. Nice lake, a lot of features and not a lot of traffic.

A quiet get away.

I finally could hear the birds start to chirp at 4:30 this morning.

The last 2 days I have been waking up to rain or pouring rain which can be a sweet sound.

The temperature has been in the 50’s but today it’s reaching in the 80’s. It’s humid and windy at times. In the sky I can see the clouds just roll by with blue sky in-between.

When the wind blows, the leaves on the trees roar and flutter over and over and slowly come to a still just for a moment.

I am enjoying my view here in the woods. Green foliage and high birch trees reaching high to the sky and clouds. The sun comes and goes very quickly as I snap some pictures.

The birds sound happy that it’s not raining and so am I.

It might be too windy to take the boat out quite yet.

I thought it would be nice to take a break from everything so we found a place up north to stay. Once we reached the main town it took us about 10 minutes to arrive at some unincorporated town and from there you take a right and you go straight north for 20 minutes. As you go down the road you lose all road lines until you finally get to the dirt road and then just go a little further and your here.

Up north:)